Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Week 9 ^_^

How is the Romantic construction of the Sublime reflected in
the ideological, conceptual and linguistic construction of the texts under
consideration in this Romanticism reader?

You can look here at Blake's Songs, Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, Byron's Manfred and Frankenstein...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome ^_^

Hi guys

Here are week 1/2's questions. Have a crack at them,

1. What, arguably, are some of the 'residual' features of 'primary orality' (as defined by Ong, 1982) in Voluspa?
2. How does Ong argue secondary orality differs from primary orality?
3. What is the difference between chirography and typography and how does he believe it affects human thought and textuality?
4. How do Old Norse and Old English literary sources such as Voluspa, Beowulf and Volsunga Saga inform The Hobbit according to Glen(1991)?
5. According to Shippey(2000) how do the idological motivations and use of language by many fantasy writers like Tolkien differ from the agenda of Modernism?